U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, announced $240 million in new humanitarian assistance to help meet the needs of refugees across the Western Hemisphere. This comes when Washington’s foreign policy has largely focused on Ukraine in 2022.
Leaders of Hungary, Serbia and Austria pledged new measures to control the flow of illegal immigrants into the EU through the Western Balkans, after 86,581 irregular entries were detected at the borders, a 190% increase from last year.
The UN refugee agency said that it is giving its highest award to Angela Merkel for her efforts to welcome more than 1 million refugees and asylum-seekers into Germany, mostly from Syria, at the height of the conflict in 2015 and 2016.
The International Organization for Migration has stated that the deterioration of political, social and economic conditions in Sudan since 2019, has prompted four million Sudanese people to seek safe haven in Egypt.
A labor-hire business called Integrate Workforce has been working hard to provide employment pathways to people with refugee backgrounds. The results so far have been highly encouraging.
Studies find that about 43 per cent of refugees in Malaysia suffer from mental health disorders, as they continue to live in limbo fearing arrest.
Opinion and analysis
Years of political repression, violence, and economic insecurity in Venezuela have come to head to create the second largest external displacement crisis in the world with 6.8 million displaced — just behind Ukraine. Yet, the needs of Venezuelans arriving at the southern border are not being met by the U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration.

People in Need examines the waves of mass migration experienced in Europe after 1945 and how it compares to the current exodus from Ukraine.
The small African nation of Rwanda has positioned itself as an altruistic partner of wealthier countries seeking to curb migration. This article in The NY Times uncovers how Rwanda’s human rights record makes it no refuge for asylum seekers.
IOM tells the story of Venezuelan refugees who undertake a death-defying journey to Chile through the Atacama desert, the driest and highest plateau in the world, at nearly 4,000 meters above sea level and with temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees Celsius.